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Nurit Argov-Argaman, PhD

Education and Professional Experience: 

1998-2001 : B.Sc., Robert H. Smith Faculty of  Agriculture, Food

and Environment, the Hebrew University, Animal Sciences Major

2001-2002 :  M.Sc. with distinction, Department of Animal Sciences, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the Hebrew University. Supervisor: the late  Prof. D. Sklan. Thesis title: "Reproductive performance in high-producing dairy cows: interactions between oocyte quality, gene expression and hormone concentration.

2002-2006 :Ph.D., Department of Animal Sciences, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Supervisors: the late Prof. David Sklan and Prof. Amichai Arieli. Thesis title: "The effect of expression level of receptor genes for lipoprotein in ovarian follicular cells on sterol internalization and follicular function in dairy cows".

2007-2008 : Post-doctoral fellowship at University of California, Davis, Dept. of Food Science and Technology. Host: Prof Bruce German.

2009- Pres
Lecturer, Department of Animal Science, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.


courses :

Undergraduated :​
  • Physiology of the Mammary Gland (3.5credits)

  • Introduction to Animal Biology (2 credits)

  • Principals in Farm Animal Nutrition (4 credits)


  • Lipid Metabolism (4 credits)

  • M.S.c Seminar in Animal Sciences & Veterianry (1 credit) 

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